Monday, January 4, 2016

Total Body Health and Wellness

Total Body Health and Wellness
As daunting as that sounds, it's what my aim is. I've been working on this for years, literally. As many of you know, I have been taking a product for several months now called Thrive. Now this isn't an add for it, but it has helped me on this journey. However, that's not what this post is about. 
The Body
This is the first part of my quest. My goal is to find my abs again. I was a ballerina for 22 years and with the 3rd child I had to stop dancing. My body simply couldn't handle anymore. So then I got lazy. I also had major issues with stomach problems. My body was in a lot of pain so I flat didn't move if I didn't have to. This seems terrible I'm sure to most of you, however, it was my life. I was a martial artist as well. In that, I have a lot to be proud of. However, it fell fast. 
I'm now onto my quest to get moving and get the weight back off and get healthy again. This includes internally. I have been eating super healthy (except on Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving Day lol). I've been working out 5 days a week mostly. The other 2 days I just do as little as possible, I'll be honest haha. Honestly, this works for me though. I've been working on this challenge:


So far no abs, but there's also a layer of fat there still. I can feel my abs though under it and that's super encouraging. So I'll keep at it. 
The Mind
The next part of this journey that I'm working on is sharpening my mind. I write a lot, read a lot, do challenging word puzzles, basically brain workouts. I've also read things I know I don't agree with just simply to entertain new ideas and to let them go. This may seem useless to most, however, I've found it to make my decision making much more well rounded and less likely to get angry and stupid people. Reading something you don't agree with challenges you to accept a different view and to let you practice letting the anger go. 

The Soul

Oh man, now this is a hard one. I've held onto a lot over the years that has held me back. I'm practicing meditation, and deep soul searching. There is so much that I'm doing in this area that it would be literally impossible to tell you all of it in an easily understood way. I think everyone's journey is different and therefor so is their spiritual journey. I've been practicing walking in love. It's hard. I have to remind myself every single day that what others think of me is none of my business. If I feel unwelcome or unloved, that is a space I don't need to walk into. I've avoid people and places that provoke me to feel the need to protect myself in any way. I've invited only people who love me and want what is best for themselves and me into my life. These people who are welcome also walk in love and peace. 


Yes, this is part of it. A long time ago I took a vow of poverty and so money literally meant nothing to me. It's been fairly evident in my life. I've now denounced that vow for many reasons. First and foremost, I want to be able to give more to the world around me. So many people need so very much from a world that cares so little about them. I will help. That is my life goal, to help those that are unable to help themselves. I won't, however, help those who are unwilling to help themselves. There's a big difference. 

That's my journey and what you will be apart of on a daily basis here in the nest. I hope you're willing to talk and walk in love here and be part of this amazing transformation of the entire body.

Sarah Marshall

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